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Fruit Picking in the Videk

apple treeAfter an extended break, I finally got down to the house this month, this time with Istvan. For some reason the fridge was awash with black fungus. This has never happened before and it took us a couple hours to clean everything. I had planned to repaint a wall that got all dirty during the reconstruction of the buboskemence, but events took over. Simon Hursthouse, who runs a bed and breakfast in Aggtelek National Park in nearby Szogliget called Juniper Cottage cycled over for a visit. While showing him around the place we noticed that we were actually there at the right time to harvest some ripe fruit. We picked many kilos of red and green apples, a field of blackberries that seemed to have popped up from nowhere behind the house, and some plums. We processed as many of the apples as we could into juice, and kept some of the pulp aside for muffins. The rest of the apples we took home for pies. Istvan made a great lecso for lunch. He is involved in scouting here, something I have wanted to get re-involved in for years after becoming one of the youngest Eagle Scouts in the US 30 years ago. It is possible that I could do something in Hungary. Now I have apple cobbler in the oven, and plan on making apple muffins later in the week.